Site icon Reddit Review: Introduction to Success on Reddit

We all know the big name social media platforms today. We know of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and now of course, TikTok. Many of you reading this have, at the very least, a Facebook and an Instagram. It’s part of the norm in 2020.


What many people don’t know is that there are dozens of “social media sites” at large, churning along with millions of users right under your nose. There is perhaps no internet trove that encapsulates this kind of hidden participation better than Reddit.


Reddit is the dark horse in the world of social media. Many of you reading this might not have heard of it; or, if you have, you are probably unsure of how it works. That’s how Redditors like it – they like having this little slice of the internet that is not easy to follow, packed with specialized lingo, and wholly unwelcoming of marketers, advertisers, and self-promotion (it’s like the antithesis of Instagram).


Created in 2005, during the arrival of Facebook and most other major social media platforms, Reddit has been playing the game all along – you just might not have noticed. Today, the discussion platform boasts over 330 million worldwide users, with 26.4 million Americans that use the discussion site monthly. It has undoubtedly claimed the title as the number one news, information, and discussion social media site where users feel free to share information, leave reviews, explore niche topics, and go down the dark internet rabbit hole regarding some pretty insane ideas.


Reddit isn’t necessarily made for everyone. It’s beloved by those that want to discuss theories, posit new ideas, challenge norms, and strike up conversation not necessarily appropriate at dinner. However, you can find everything from how-to guides regarding new crafts at home, to evidence of alien invasions throughout human history.


Therefore, it’s important to understand this platform with greater clarity today. It is both a place to meet people and engage in debate, as well as further your understanding and knowledge of a topic (many times without the bias we see in aggregated social media timelines today).


In this Reddit guide, we are going to look at the basics of the app, the lingo, voting procedures, content posting, formatting, and Reddiquette, as well as those not welcome on Reddit and how you can master the platform by the time you’re done with this book.


So without further ado, it’s time to dive into The Beginner’s Guide to Success on Reddit.


For more tips on how to succeed on Reddit, read posts from our published book below: 
Intro: Reddit Review: Introduction to Success on Reddit
#1: The History of Reddit
#2: Understanding Subreddits
#3: Voting
#4: Posting Content
#5: Lingo & Formatting Norms
#6: Who is Not Welcome on Reddit?
#7: Reddiquette
#8: 5 Reasons to Join Reddit Today
#9: The Future of Reddit 

Source: Member Articles Reddit Review: Introduction to Success on Reddit

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